Super 6 - SG3 Steel MIG Wire 15kg
Increase your productivity with the Super 6 SG3 Steel MIG Wire. The Marathon Pack of 15kg provides higher silicon and manganese levels, resulting in stronger ultimate tensile strength. Ideal for projects such as fabrication, shipbuilding, and power generation.
A copper coated steel MIG wire with increased silicon and manganese for improved UTS.
General fabrication, shipbuilding, power generation.
Melting Point: 1450°C
UTS N/mm2: 600
Hardness BHN: 120
Chemical Composition: C0.10/Si1.00/Mn1.75
Current Type: DC+
Shielding Gas: Argon/CO2 Mix
AWS: A5.18 ER70 S-6
EN ISO 636 - A W4 Si1
EN ISO 14341-A-G 46 4 M21/42 4 C1 4Si1
EN10204: 3.1
Increase your productivity with the Super 6 SG3 Steel MIG Wire. The Marathon Pack of 15kg provides higher silicon and manganese levels, resulting in stronger ultimate tensile strength. Ideal for projects such as fabrication, shipbuilding, and power generation.
A copper coated steel MIG wire with increased silicon and manganese for improved UTS.
General fabrication, shipbuilding, power generation.
Melting Point: 1450°C
UTS N/mm2: 600
Hardness BHN: 120
Chemical Composition: C0.10/Si1.00/Mn1.75
Current Type: DC+
Shielding Gas: Argon/CO2 Mix
AWS: A5.18 ER70 S-6
EN ISO 636 - A W4 Si1
EN ISO 14341-A-G 46 4 M21/42 4 C1 4Si1
EN10204: 3.1