A selection of tools to compliment any tool kit.
Includes measuring, striking and cutting tools as well as an adjustable wrench and power grip pliers.
No. of pieces: 9
Inlay material: PS
Part of Get Organised: Yes
Width: 560mm
Depth: 265mm
Height: 56.5mm
4002 - Teng Adjustable Wrench 6"
4004 - Teng Adjustable Wrench 10"
401-10 - Teng Plier Power Grip 10"
710 - Teng Utility Knife
701 - Teng Hacksaw
HMSF - Teng Soft Face Hammer
MT03 - Teng Measuring Tape 3M
ST200 - Teng Steel Rule 200mm
HMBP24 - Teng Ball Pein Hammer 24oz